Bi-Flex™ 300 Series Stainless Steel Bi-Metal Self-Drilling Fasteners
Owners, architects and, design engineers expect longer life cycles from buildings. Extended warranties and use of more sustainable materials add up to greater expectations for performance – from structural integrity to the purely aesthetic – of all building components.
The Solution: Bi-Flex™ 300 Series (18-8) Stainless Steel Self-Drilling Fasteners
Bi-Flex fasteners bring the corrosion resistance of 300 series stainless steel and the efficiency of self-drilling fasteners together in one unique fastener:
- Unmatched, multi-level corrosion resistance
- Quick and easy installation into structural steel and aluminum up to 1/2" thick
- Perfect choice for exposed/wet areas/aggressive environments
- High performance for your most critical applications
To allow for the most efficient installations, each Bi-Flex fastener has a fused and hardened, self-drilling and tapping point.
To combat the widest variety of corrosion scenarios involving dissimilar metals such as aluminum, each 300 series stainless steel Bi-Flex fastener has Stalgard® GB (Galvanic Barrier) coating.
To eliminate the threat of delayed “embrittlement” fastener failures, such as Hydrogen Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking (HASCC), seen in hardened 400 series self-drilling stainless steel fasteners, Bi-Flex fasteners are made of 300 series stainless alloys that are virtually immune to this type of catastrophic failure.
For the most demanding applications that other fasteners can’t handle, Bi-Flex 300 series stainless steel self-drilling fasteners are the right choice.